Sunday, June 29, 2008


I'd like to begin by saying 'Fuck Lance Armstrong'” - George Carlin

And with that , I'd like to welcome you to Masturblog! A blog from the same minds that brought you Fargo, The Big Lebowski, and most recently No Country For Old Men. No... No, sorry, I guess that was the Coen brothers. We're just two average guys with an idea to start a blog and write down some of the things we talk and think about.

When I sat down and decided to write the introductory blog post for Masturblog, I had trouble thinking of an opening statement. George Carlin was fresh in my mind for obvious reasons, so I decided to pay tribute and set the mood with the opening line he used in his most recent HBO special. That opening line, while extremely hilarious, started his special with a bang, and hopefully will set the same type of mood for this blog. By no means would we ever compare ourselves to the great Carlin, however we will attempt to shoot for the same things he perfected in his performances and books. Here at Masturblog, we're going to write a lot of articles that hopefully will make you laugh and maybe even make you think. The articles we write on this blog will be about anything and everything. Things that piss us off, things we find hilarious, things we think about, funny stories, observational humor, quotes, top 10 lists, conversations, etcetera... Above all, I hope the majority of these articles will make you laugh and make you come back for more.

That being said, from Dan and I, welcome. We hope you'll have as much fun reading as we will writing, and we'll try to update a lot. Also, we welcome any comments, as long as they don't tell us how much we suck.

Until next time,

- Eric.